AIIP Workshop #3: Balancing Tech Novelty with Business Scalability and Key Traits VCs Look for in AI Companies was filled with insightful discussions on how AI can bridge cutting-edge technology with sustainable business growth.
Doni Hanafi (VP of Engineering of Tokopedia) and Eric Purwoko (Senior Solutions Architect of Byteplus) shared valuable insights on aligning AI innovations with business goals, emphasizing the importance of scalable solutions that drive both technological advancement and practical application.
On the investment side, Arindra Prakasa (Principal of MDI Ventures), Melvin Octavian Santoso (Investment Professional of Mandiri Capital Indonesia), James Eugene Atmadja (Investment Associate of BRI Ventures Indonesia), and Nadine Kaunang (VP of Investments of Alpha JWC Ventures) discussed the key traits VCs look for in AI startups, including market validation, scalability, and long-term profitability. They also shared critical insights into what makes an AI startup stand out in a competitive landscape.
We were also honored to have the support of our community partner, Sevenpreneur, at yesterday's event at Tokopedia Tower.

Watch the full event here :